In today’s uncertain economic climate, many people find themselves unable to pay both their daily living expenses and creditors. This, combined with recent lay-offs, rising consumer prices, and increasing interest rates, often can land a person in financial peril. To keep this from happening, along with stopping creditors from using unscrupulous methods to collect debts, seeing a Bankruptcy Lawyer in Nassau County NY can help a person find avenues of legal recourse. Filing bankruptcy is not a shameful act. It can help a person get a fresh financial and personal start in life. Before an initial visit with a bankruptcy lawyer, a person should organize his documents and information to make the meeting more productive.
Being prepared for a meeting can save you time and money. Sort your items into shoe boxes or files so you can access them easily. Label the boxes and files so you will know exactly where certain information is. For instance, you can label with the words “credit card bills”, “mortgage bill”, and ” tax returns”. You can use these or other methods to organize your documents.
A Bankruptcy Lawyer in Nassau County NY will need to know the full legal name and address where you can be reached. He will also need to see your social security card and driver’s license or identification card. A copy may be made of these cards. You will also need to list the names of people you claim as dependents on your tax returns. Even if you have a child you don’t claim as a dependent, a lawyer will want to list him in your file.
Bring your tax returns for the past three years. Also, include your pay stubs for the last six months. If you don’t have these, show the lawyer some indication of income such as W-2 or 1099 forms. Make a list of your monthly expenses including food, rent, utility needs, car maintenance and medications. Also, inventory your possessions and carefully list these under categories such as titled property or real property. The bankruptcy lawyer will need to view your bank statements for the past few months. Credit card statements, revolving lines of credit, and personal loans you owe should all be added to the items you show your lawyer. Performing these tasks will enable you to make the most of your time with your bankruptcy lawyer. For more information, please visit website.